Candy Free Easter Baskets

Easter is right around the corner! I do not put candy in my kids baskets! I know to some people that sounds just crazy! No peeps! No chocolate bunnies! No Cadbury eggs! Nope! When I was pregnant with my second child, Oliver (my oldest) was wild. And not in a good way. He was extrememely hyper, could not sit still, and had trouble focusing, and because of that, he did not listen. He was 3 when I hit my breaking point. We were at the Farmers Market. I was with Oliver and my parents. Ollie was laying with my Dad in an open space o he could run around a little. Then I hear my Dad calling his name and I turned around to see him running into the parking lot, just laughing away. A rather large SUV came very close to hitting him. I mean inches! Thank goodness that mama was paying attention! And had good brakes! I was in shock! He just came very close to being splattered all over the parking lot and I knew at that moment I had to do something.

Some people told me to put him on medication. I just was not ready for that. He was only three and I could not imagine putting him on ADHD medication at that early of an age! Now, I am not judging people who do make that decision. I know firsthand how hard it is raising a child with an attention hyperactivity disorder. You have to do what is best for your child and your family. I just did not think that was the best idea for my family! I did research and  also spoke to a family friend who is a pediatrician. After much frustration and tears, I decided to try a low sugar diet. I put Oliver on a low (processed) sugar diet. At first I bought low sugar, or reduced sugar food. I spoke to his preschool teachers and brought in alternative snacks for the days they had cookies, or cereal bars, etc. You would be surprised in the amount of sugar in some “healthy” foods. I even had to get sugar free ketchup! I just do not understand why so many companies need to add corn syrup to ketchup!  His teachers were definitely on board, since he often was one of the children who disrupted class.

This new “diet” made an enormous difference! Now, not everyone was on board, or as diligent about it as me. So sometimes, sugary foods were snuck in. And guess what? We all noticed an almost immediate difference in him. His attitude would completely change! So I knew I had made the right decision! He was like a new kid! He listened in class. He listened better at home. He was now able to sit still and started learning how to read and write!

So that brings us to the Easter baskets! And this is also for birthday party favors, and just other small treats that some parents just reach for candy, I have to have other alternatives.

  • Fruit- my kids LOVE fruit! Given a choice between a sugary snack or some fresh fruit, they will 99% of the time choose fruit. So in the baskets I put apples, oranges, and pears.
  • Arts & Craft Supplies- What kid doesn’t love to color? Or cut and paste? Or fingerpaint? You can always find seasonal or holiday themed coloring books and other craft projects. My favorite crayons right now are the twistable crayons. Crayola has some as well as some other brands. There is no paper wrapping, they last a very long time, and no breaking. Also, young ones usually will not chew on them!
  • Bubbles. No explanation necessary!
  • Stickers- My two year olds’ favorite thing right now!
  • Tattoos- I found cute plastic eggs that were filled with tattoos!
  • A small stuffed animal (we call them lovies!)
  • Books- also very easy to find a small holiday themed book
  • Play-doh – Since it is getting warmer (finally!), we take this outside! I like to sit at an outdoor table, or even right on the gound. That way, there is way less of a cleanup. You can get Easter themed cookie cutters from the dollar store to use!
  • Small Toys- yo-yos, bouncie balls, water guns. Whatever works for your children

So that is my advice on making non-candy Easter baskets! Hope you enjoy! Let me know how yours comes out! Wishing everyone a Happy Easter

Blueberry Granola

As a busy mom, I am always looking for quick, easy snacks for myself and the kids. This is a healthy snack that the whole family loves! My toddler even helped make it which made it even more fun for her to eat! You can substitute any dried fruit in  this recipe but be sure to check for added sugar! It’s hidden everywhere! These can be cut into bars or just broken up into pieces like I did.

Blueberry Granola

  • 4 cups oats
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup mini dark chocolate pieces
  • 1/2 cup dried blueberries
  • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup organic honey
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  1. Preheat oven to 325 F. Line a 13x9x2 inch baking pan or cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. Combine first six ingredients in a large bowl. In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining three ingredients. Pour the wet mixture over the oat mixture and stir until combined.
  3. Press mixture into prepared baking pan. Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.
  4. Allow to cool completely, then cut into bars or break into pieces. Store in an airtight container. Enjoy!

My New Love – Dates

Being new in the fitness industry I am constantly learning. I kept hearing about people adding dates to their smoothies and my first thought was ewww! Then I realized I really did not know what a date tasted like! It looks like a prune so I just made the connection in my brain that they tasted similar. I could not have been more wrong! Dates are DELICIOUS! And, they are loaded with tons of good stuff for you!

There are so many vitamins and minerals in dates. Dates are great for muscle development. They can also be very beneficial during recovery from illness or injury and can give you a boost in energy. They have a good amount of soluble fiber, which is very helpful in promoting healthy bowel movements. Oddly enough, they are good for constipation and diarrhea! To be used in the treatment of constipation,you should soak them in water overnight. The water gets syrupy and you should drink that in the morning for a laxative effect.

The selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium help with healthy bone development and strength. We could all use some help fighting off osteoporosis! Dates are also believed to be able to cure a hangover! Luckily, I have not needed this remedy lately, so if you try it, let me know how it works! For this use, soak dates in water and then drink the water for relief.

I love to chop them up and add them to some Greek yogurt. They are so sweet and juicy! My toddler also loves them! They can also be pitted and chopped and added to smoothies.My favorite is :

3 Dates- pitted and chopped

1/2 Cup ice

1 Banana

1 Cup almond milk

2 Shakes cinnamon

Just add all ingredients and blend.

Always wash your dates before eating them! They have a sticky surface and can attract dust and other impurities. They are so sweet they can also be used as a natural sweetener. They are high in sugar, so be careful if you are watching your sugar intake. I hope this has helped some people who, like I used to be, are not well informed on this wonderful fruit. Please comment an let me know your favorite ways to eat your dates!


Hi! I am Jessica Holbrook. I am a wife and a mother to two wonderful, active, curious, loveable kids! I am originally from Long Island,NY but now live in Greensboro, NC. I have been down here since I graduated high school, a little over 20 years ago! (I can’t believe its been that long) I have recently renewed my love for fitness and health. I am learning so much and enjoying getting healthy and in shape! I also love coffee and do not think I could survive without it! I am very new to blogging. Honestly, I just read my first blog !about three months ago! I will be writing about fitness, cooking and eating, being a mom, and just living my life in the best way I can! I hope you will join me!